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PTML Donates $2m CSR Projects To Schools 



Ports and Terminal Multiservices Limited (PTML) has donated a block of classrooms and other Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) projects to the tune of $2 million at Amuwo-Odofin Junior High School, Mile 2, Lagos State.
The projects executed by the firm and inaugurated in Lagos include an access road with a drainage system; a borehole and a water treatment plant; and a furnished gatehouse at the Mile 2 School Complex.
Others are 1,000 dual desks and chairs, as well as chairs and desks for teachers in the six schools within the school complex; palliative roof repair of Amuwo-Odofin Junior and Senior High School and Imoye High School.
PTML, whose parent company, Grimaldi Group, was founded in 1947 and specialised in the maritime transport of cars, rolling stock, containers and passengers, also donated a 50 KVA transformer.
The Managing Director of the PTML, Ascanio Rosso, noted that the firm would continue to engage in CSR that would be impactful to its immediate environment.
He added that the company was conscious of the security of the children, a reason for which it also built two well-equipped security gatehouses.
He said, “It is with great pride and a profound sense of responsibility that I stand before you today as we mark the culmination of several impactful projects undertaken by PTML at the Mile 2 School Complex, located just adjacent to our terminal.
This proximity has not only reinforced our commitment, but also our capability to contribute significantly and sustainably to our neighbourhood.
As an integral part of the esteemed Grimaldi Group, PTML is deeply committed to social responsibility, with a particular focus on education and environmental stewardship.
These commitments are pivotal to our corporate ethos and are evident in the extensive investments we have made here at Mile 2.
equipped security gatehouses, ensuring a safe educational setting. Beyond infrastructure,

“PTML has been a fervent supporter of cultural and educational activities. For over five years, we have sponsored inter-house sports activities, and for the last two years we have celebrated the dedication of our teachers during the World Teachers/Award Day”, Rosso said.

Responding, the Commissioner for Basic and Secondary Education, Jamiu Alli-Balogun, who appreciated the donating company for their gesture, noted that collaborations like this could move the country forward faster.

The commissioner further said the donation had changed the face of the Mile 2 community and added immeasurable value to education in the state.

He further stated that the state would not only take ownership, but would maintain the facilities, to ensure that they serve the purpose of learning and add value to the community and the state.

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Trade Modernisation: Customs’ CG Tours Huawei, Port In China



The Comptroller-General  of the Nigeria Customs Service (NCS), Adewale Adeniyi, recently led his team to the Headquarters of Huawei, a famous information and communications technology company in Shenzhen, China, where he discussed opportunities embedded in Nigeria Customs Service Trade Modernisation Project.
This was disclosed in a press release made available to our correspondent in Lagos by the National Public Relations Officer (NPRO) of the Service, CSC Maidawa yesterday.
According to the release, the CGC’s visit to Huawei Headquarters was part of his official visit to the People’s Republic of China for the 6th Global AEO Conference that took place in the city of Shenzhen between Wednesday, 8th May, Friday, 10 May, 2024.
Stating the purpose of his visit to the company’s office on behalf of his team, CGC Adeniyi said, “We are also delighted to associate with the Global Leader Technology Services through the Team of Trade Modernisation.”
It would be recalled that the Service had, during the Huawei Connect 2023 held in Shanghai in October, 2023, expressed readiness to deploy some of the company’s latest products for use in its trade modernisation project.
The CGC, who urged Huawei’s company leadership to sustain their digitalisation services to NCS, also sought their support to collaborate with the Nigeria Customs Service to maintain their transformative journey with the company.
On his part, Xujing Xu, the Huawei Company’s Vice President of Smart Transportation, welcomed the delegation of the NCS led by Adeniyi and the Management Team of the Trade Modernisation Project (TMP) Limited, led by Chairman Saleh Ahmadu.
He expressed confidence that their collaboration will benefit all parties involved, noting that “the foundational work for this transformation is already underway”.
The TMP Chairman, Saleh Ahmadu, during his address, said Huawei is living up to expectations to deliver its mandate under the auspices of Trade Modernisation Project Limited.
He appreciated the support accorded to him by the CGC and his management team towards the success of the NCS Trade Modernisation Project.
In his bid to upscale the level of NCS modernisation, the Comptroller-General of Customs, alongside members of the Trade Modernisation Project led by Chairman Saleh Ahmadu, visited Lantan Port to witness the level of automation and technological solutions provided by Huawei and other tech partners.

In a related development, a training programme on Trends and Digital Solutions for Customs officials and the TMP team was organised by Huawei the same day, which focused on equipping officials with the necessary skills to navigate the digital landscape of modern trade.

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Salefu Recommits To Stop Smuggling



The Comptroller, Federal Operations Unit (FOU), Zone D, Bauchi, Comptroller Salefu O, has reiterated his commitment to stop the nefarious activities of smugglers within his jurisdiction.
Speaking with our correspondent in a telephone chat, Salefu said the negative impact of smuggling on Nigeria’s economy cannot be allowed to continue, if genuine businessmen and women are to reap from their investment and efforts.
“With the selfless leadership shown by the Comptroller General, Wale Adeniyi, we at FOU, Zone D, have decided to re-dedicate ourselves to duty and complement the efforts of the CGC. We are telling smugglers to stop smuggling, because we shall not stop until they (smugglers) stop.
On how he has been able to achieve so much with his short arrival at Zone D, he said, “we are following the examples of our leader, the Comptroller General.
“We have learned how to manage the resources at our disposal, motivate officers and men of the Service and they in appreciation have no option but to deliver.
“Customs has changed. The Customs of today is energized, highly motivated, trained, focused and inspired to deliver. No officer has any excuse not to do what is expected”, he said.
The battle against smugglers, Salefu stated, is not a personal battle, but a national service aimed at ensuring safety of lives of Nigerians.
“If smuggling is not checked, the economy would suffer, lives could be lost to fake drugs and sub-standard goods that smugglers try to bring into the country”, he said.
On how he copes with the challenges and pressures that come with the job, the FOU Zone D boss id, “every profession has its hazard. As a journalist, you have challenges.  “Sometimes you are caught between making choices and taking decisions. So far, at FOU Zone D, the Comptroller General has given us clear guidelines and we know what to do under any situation.
“Some decisions are hard and very difficult to make, but if you know you are acting within stipulated rules of Customs, you have nothing to worry about. No matter what you do, some will love you and praise you while others will hate you and call you names.
“But we stand by whatever we do because we are just doing our job. In doing our job, we are guided by government policies, customs, and regulations”, Salefu stated.

By: Stories by Nkpemenyie McDominic, Lagos

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Stakeholders Seek NIMASA’s N50bn Modular Floating Dock



Stakeholders in Nigeria’s maritime industry are raising pressing questions about the whereabouts and management of the N50 billion Modular Floating Dock acquired by the Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency, (NIMASA).
Despite promises of relocation and utilisation, the floating dock remains elusive, fueling concerns about transparency and accountability within the agency.
Since February, when NIMASA announced plans to move the dock to Continental Shipyard in Apapa, the deployment is yet to occur.
This delay has fueled skepticism among industry observers, who question NIMASA’s commitment to managing the multimillion-dollar asset effectively.
The acquisition was initially celebrated as a significant boost to Nigeria’s maritime infrastructure, aimed at enhancing the country’s vessel maintenance and repair capabilities.
However, promises of deployment have been repeatedly unfulfilled, leading to accusations of underutilisation and mismanagement.
Criticism has been directed at NIMASA’s leadership, particularly under former Director-General, Bashir Jamoh, for perceived lapses in strategic planning and execution.
President of the Nigerian Ship Owners Association (NISA), Otunba Sola Adewumi, has called for accountability and transparency within NIMASA.
On his part, Chairman of the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers (ICS), Dr. Chris Ebare, emphasized the need for  specialized expertise in overseeing projects like the Modular Floating Dock.
He suggested a re-evaluation of NIMASA’s approach, advocating for dedicated professionals to manage the asset independently of the agency’s leadership.
Former National President of the Nigeria Merchant Navy Officers & Water Transport Senior Staff Association, Engr. Mathew Alalade, stated concerns about NIMASA’s decision-making process, urging greater consultation with stakeholders and consideration of concessioning the dock to established shipyards.
Amidst these concerns, a staff of NIMASA, who pleaded anonymity, offered a critical perspective on the situation saying,  “The challenges we face with the floating dock can largely be attributed to the previous leadership’s reluctance to heed expert advice, which unfortunately has resulted in the asset becoming nearly outdated before being fully operational”.

The representative further stated that the new Director-General, Dr. Dayo Mobereola, is aware of the issues and committed to resolving them.

“Dr. Mobereola has been thoroughly briefed about the current status and complexities surrounding the floating dock.

“He will be actively engaging with technical experts and stakeholders to expedite its deployment and ensure it operates at full capacity as swiftly as possible”, he said.

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