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‘Census: NPC’ ll Treat Personal Information Confidential



The National Population Commission (NPC) has assured households that all their personal information which they would give to enumerators during the forthcoming  population and housing census would be strictly confidential.
The Federal Commissioner representing Katsina State, Mr Bala Almu-Banye, made the disclosure at a meeting with media executives in the state, on Wednesday in Katsina.
Almu-Banye said the purpose of the meeting was to update them on the status of the preparations for the 2023 Census and the next steps forward.
He said the commission had recruited adequate ad hoc staff for effective coverage of all the nooks and crannies of the entire state during the exercise.
According to him, the ad hoc staff are to work in their local governments of residence in order to achieve the set targets.
The Federal Commissioner, therefore, urged residents to cooperate with the enumerators and provide answers to the questions raised.
“The information will be treated as confidential and only for the purpose of the exercise.
“We were all sworn not to reveal people’s secrets, likewise, all the enumerators and supervisors will take oath before they start the exercise”, he said.
He further said the information given to the enumerators would be digitally transmitted directly to the commission’s server through the Personal Digital Assistant (PDA), which is a machine like a mobile phone.
Almu-Banye further said the NPC would work with traditional and community leaders to ensure that people who reside in hard-to-reach areas were counted.
He explained that such leaders would provide guides who would assist enumerators in reaching people in remote communities.
Responding on behalf of the media executives, the General Manager, Gram FM, Alhaji Bashir Ahmed, thanked the commission for carrying them along in the exercise.
Ahmed assured that the media would continue to enlighten people on the importance of the exercise so as to achieve the desired objective.

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NNPC E&P Ltd. and NOSL Celebrate New Milestones with 3rd Annual Spud Baby Ceremony



Just as the birth of a child symbolises the beginning of a new chapter for a family, the spudding of a well represents the start of a transformative journey for an oil exploration drilling project.

On 28th May 2024, the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation Exploration and Production Ltd. (NNPC E&P Ltd.) and Natural Oilfield Services Ltd. (NOSL) organised the third annual Spud Baby event at the Royalty Hotels in Eket, Akwa Ibom State. This occasion serves to honour the babies born when the company started spudding oil.

The Spud Baby initiative celebrates these children, born during periods of significant operational milestones, as symbols of new beginnings and prosperity for both their families and the company. This year, 65 children from Mkpat Enin LGA, Eastern Obolo LGA, and Onna LGA, Akwa Ibom State, were honoured for their special connection to the company’s achievements.

The event welcomed proud parents, company officials, and esteemed guests, including HRH Ubom Elder Harry John Etetor, the Paramount Ruler of Eastern Obolo LGA; HRH Etebom Etebom Itiat Udo Hundang, Clan Head of Asuna Nung Oku; HRH Moses Udosen Ukpong, Clan Head of Ikpa Ibom in Mkpat Enin LGA; Chief Joshua M. Ayaguong, Village Head of Emeroke II, Eastern Obolo LGA; Mr. Levi Levi, Executive of Eastern Obolo LGA; Mrs. Atim A. Ulo, Director of Primary Health Care in Mkpat Enin LGA, and Mrs. Magaret A. Effiong, Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Welfare, Uyo.

HRH Ubom Elder Harry John Etetor, the Paramount Ruler of Eastern Obolo LGA, expressed gratitude for the initiative on behalf of the beneficiaries, acknowledging its positive impact on the community.

Recognising that children represent the promise of tomorrow, Mrs. Magaret A. Effiong from the Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Welfare said, “Let us, as women, embrace our roles as caretakers of these children and utilise the support provided.”

In reaffirming their commitment to recognising and supporting the newest generation born during these significant moments, NNPC E&P Ltd. and NOSL continue to foster a legacy of growth, innovation, and positive change.

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Increasing SSBs Tax ‘ll Encourage Healthy Lifestyle -Experts



The Executive Secretary, Rivers State Contributory Health Protection Programme, Dr Vetty Agala, has said that an increase in Sugar-Sweetened Beverages (SSBs) tax will encourage heathy lifestyle, thereby reducing the 30 percent death rates associated with the consumption of SSBs.


Agala stated this at a two-day training programme organised to create awareness on the negative effect of excessive consumption of SSBs, organised by Corporate Accountability and Public Participation Africa (CAPPA) in Port Harcourt.


She said it was necessary for the people to prioritize their health.


“Increase in SSBs tax will reduce the intake of SSBs consumption that is currently the cause of 30 per cent of deaths.


“The desire of the Rivers State Government is to protect her citizens by bringing up policies and various interventions and programmes such as innovative financing that help protect the health of communities,’ she added.


Also speaking, the Rivers State Commissioner for Health, Dr Adaeze Oreh, noted that non-communicable diseases (NCDs) including diabetes and cardiovascular diseases have become a public health concern globally and across the nation.


Dr Oreh, who was represented by the State Epidemiologist, Rivers State Ministry of Health, Dr Ifeoma Nwadiutor, revealed that the staggering rate of 41 million people are lost to NCDs annually, and that NCDs in Nigeria account for 30% of deaths.


“With this data, it is, therefore, paramount to address the root causes of these preventable illnesses”, she said.


The commissioner maintained that NCDs are known to result from long-term effects of unhealthy lifestyle and diets, leading to disability adjusted lifestyle years (DALYs).


“Sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) or carbonated drinks also known as soft drinks, are non-alcoholic beverages that contain excessive amount of sugar.


“The sugar in these drinks is absorbed by the blood stream, thereby causing a spike in the blood sugar level, which is a risk factor for numerous health problems including obesity and other NCDs.


“Obesity is a predisposing factor for diabetes, hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases. It often results from taking in more calories than are burned by exercise and normal daily activities,” Dr Oreh added.


On his part, a public health scientist, Dr Francis Fagbule, advised parents to give their children balanced diet, adding that excessive intake of SSBs add no value to the health of their children.


Fagbule stressed that parents who can not avoid to give their children SSBs can give, but not in excess, adding that excessive consumption of SSBs makes children obsessed and fatigued.


“You are not adding anything useful to your children when you give them SSBs. You can only help your children to have balance diet. Give SSBs if you cannot avoid it completely, but don’t let it be in excess because excessive consumption of them makes children obsessed and fatigued”, he said.


Earlier, the Executive Director, Corporate Accountability and Public Participation Africa (CAPPA), Akinbode Oluwafemi, had stated that the training programme was aimed at equipping journalists with the necessary information to create awareness and drive the campaign against excessive consumption of SSBs.


Oluwafemi noted that the training would provide a comprehensive overview of SSB consumption patterns, their profound health implications, fiscal considerations and policy recommendations to address the growing health and economic challenges stemming from SSB consumption in the country.


He expressed worry that sugar sweetened beverages have gained prominence in Nigeria and have become a significant public health concern in the country, stressing that excessive consumption of SSBs leads to obesity, diabetes and other health challenges.


“The high rates of obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and other cardiovascular diseases highlight a health crisis in Nigeria, with over 11 million Nigerians currently living with diabetes.


“Nigeria’s status as the fourth-largest of soft drinks globally is concerning and is a looming health epidemic if not addressed promptly. The adverse effects of these preventable diseases on productivity, revenue loss, and human lives underscore the urgency for effective policy solutions,” Oluwafemi said.


The Tide reports that CAPPA is a pan-African non-governmental organisation that works to advance human rights, challenges corporate abuse of natural resources and builds community power for inclusive development and participatory governance.


Susan Serekara-Nwikhana

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95% Of Small Businesses Should Be Off Tax – Oyedele



The Federal Government is working on a system that will provide tax relief to 95 per cent of the informal sector of the economy in the country.
Mr Taiwo Oyedele, Chairman of the Presidential Fiscal Policy and Tax Reforms Committee, said this at the closing session of the committee on Sunday in Abuja.
He said this would be achieved through the exemption of businesses earning N25 million a year or less from the various taxes hindering their progress over time.
‘’So, we think that 95 per cent of the informal sector should be legally exempted from all taxes; withholding tax, company income tax, even payee on their staff.
‘’We’re using data to inform our decisions. Currently, if you earn N25 million a year or less, you don’t have to pay company income tax, you don’t have to worry about VAT.
‘’We think that the informal sector are people who are trying to earn legitimate living, we should allow them be and support them to grow to a point where they can then have the ability to pay taxes,” he said.
Oyedele said the new reforms being proposed would focus on the top 5 per cent of that sector, the middle class and the elite for taxes.
He said the committee was drafting the laws to effect the necessary changes in the fiscal policy and tax reform ecosystem of the country.
According to the chairman, the new laws will ensure that reviews become sustained by all governments coming in, adding that: “we don’t want this whole effort to go down the drain, after one or two years.”
On compliance, he urged all stakeholders to fully cooperate with the government in implementing a new fiscal and tax policy that would be used for the general good of the citizens.
‘’We think that the days of being above the law in paying taxes are over. The same thing we’re saying to our leaders, whether they are elected or appointed.
‘’We think they have to lead by example by showing that they have paid the taxes, not only on time, but correctly to the lawful authorities as contained in the various laws,” he said.
He said explained that some of the taxes complained about by Nigerians were those already in the constitution, which the committee had looked at and called for their review.
Oyedele said the committee report would be made to pass through the normal process of legislation in order to give it the full legal backing.
‘’So, our expectation is, as we progress now from ideation, proposal to implementation, you’ll see less and less of those issues and then you’ll see harmony in the direction of the fiscal system.
‘’Not only in the number of taxes we collect, you will also see an improvement in how those monies are being spent.
‘’In terms of priority of spending, in terms of the efficiency of spending and in terms of focusing on what impacts on the lives of majority of our population that live in multi-dimensional poverty,” he said.
Oyedele added that the committee had been working with the sub-nationals and the local government councils in its task of harmonising the taxes into a single digit in the country.
‘’So, we’re convinced, and that’s what the data tells us, that the right path we need to follow, is the path where we repeal many of these taxes, harmonise whatever is left.
‘’We think we can keep that within single digit across local government, state and federal government combined, and then improve the efficiency of collecting those taxes.
‘’We are also very convinced that we need to increase the threshold of exemption for small businesses, for low income earners because if you can’t make ends meet, the last thing you want is someone asking you to pay tax.
‘’We think in fact, when our nation gets to the level we need to be, we should be able to even add money to those who have very little or nothing,” said Oyedele.
At the ceremony, Vice-President Kashim Shettima restated President Bola Tinubu’s commitment to revitalise revenue generation in the country.
“Our aim remains the revitalisation of revenue generation in Nigeria, while sustaining an investment-friendly and globally competitive business environment.
“Contrary to speculations in some quarters, we are not here to frustrate any sector of our economy but to create an administrative system that ensures the benefits of a thriving tax system for all our citizens,” he said.
He said the dynamics of the nation’s fiscal landscape prompted the Tinubu administration to pause and reconsider the direction it was going.
“I am confident that both the Federal and State Governments stand ready to ensure the effective implementation of your reform proposals.
“We shall provide the institutional framework to guarantee the adoption of the consensus of this committee, aligning them with our economic agenda,”said Shettima.

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