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The Dangers Of Achieving Success Through Shortcuts



The world today is full of corruption, shortcuts, and calamities.
People today no longer do the right things at the right time, but they rather do the wrong thing at the right time and vice versa,which is unhealthy and very bad for everyone. In this article, we will see the dangers of this trend and how we can fight against it.
Let’us consider the definition of shortcut.
Shortcut can be defined as a quick or shorter way of getting to a place or destination. It is also a way of doing something that is quicker than the usual way.
Our youths today intend to use shortcut in order to achieve success and also attain to the height they need. Because they feel that it is too stressful and long, following the right process to success. They forget that things that come easily might not stand the test of time ,that is why some people follow or use shortcut without realising the wrath that will befall them and also without realising that they are shortening and shortcutting their lives, destiny, career and even their beautiful future.
  People find it difficult to possess the virtue of patience,doing the right thing and also following the right process.
Today, it is a norm that “Yahoo boys” abuse social media applications.
Many youths today dabble into internet fraud activities to earn money which is not good. They are not ready to go to school, read their books or even indulge in any hand work or skill paid jobs .
We should accept the fact that there is no shortcut to any place worth going. Although it will be sweet,nice or even enticing when you are enjoying the pleasures at the beginning but the later effect is dangerous and devastating, That is why those who use shortcut to achieve success are always shortsighted because they do not think about the future or see the future pains of that which they are doing. They are also limited because they do not follow the usual way,but they rather deviate and follow the unusual way.
These selected groups of youths have resolved that they cannot succeed without online extortion through false pretence. They go as far as patronising native doctors and other evil houses just to acquire money, success, fame, power, etc. They fail to understand that there is no shortcut to success and victory, there is no shortcut for perfection , there is no shortcut to knowledge, especially knowledge gained from personal  experience. People do not want to spend their time in doing something good, meaningful and helpful, but they rather think of making money in an abnormal way. No wonder, examination malpractice is on the increase, ,buying of results, etc.which are also fallouts of these shortcuts. These have occupied the minds of students both in the secondary level and even in the higher institutions. The students are no longer ready to study, yet, they want to pass, they are not ready to do anything but yet they want to have everything.
Today, I urge every youth to arise and consider shortcuts an enemy to humanity. Youths should change their ways of getting things easily and following the unusual way because what comes easily will not last and what lasts, will not come easily. Youths should strive,read their books, go to school and study hard, find something doing and also we should not forget to pray to God for assistance because He alone can give us good success.
We can see how this so called Yahoo boys are dying painfully and untimely, we can also see how they are being arrested everyday by EFCC and other security agencies .We should try to understand that all these are risky and is often a quick road to trouble, whether we like it or not.
There are many shortcuts to failure but there are no shortcuts to true success because most shortcuts end up taking longer than the normal routes. People today are in such a hurry to success that they eagerly take any shortcut that comes their way. In reality, there are no shortcuts.
My advice to every youth, student, etc is that if we can keep our integrity, be disciplined and be honest towards life, then, success can be achieved without shortcuts; because in life, all things are connected and for success, there is no fast lane. We should work hard, be focused, patient, remain honest,be truthful, loyal, and be committed to good success. 
See you at the top! 
God’swork, is a student of Community Secondary School,  Kalio-Ama, Okrika LGA.

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Who Should Name A Child?



Naturally, when a child is born, it is the role of the father and mother to decide a suitable name for the child. The husband and wife normally discuss and suggest the English or vernacular name of the baby.
But sometimes, when a baby comes into a family, grandparents hearts are usually filled with joy to the extent that they want to answer present, by giving their own names not minding the fact that the biological parents have given theirs.
This happens mostly when the marriage is an inter-tribal one. It also happens even in intra-tribal marriage. Grandparents want equal representation as far as naming a child is concerned. They also have special names as a result of circumstances surrounding the birth of the child.
This is still happening till date.
A lot of people have viewed this in different ways but there is nothing wrong about it. The most important thing is that the child bears as many names as he or she can. But one thing is certain, the child must bear one name in school.
Should circumstance determine a child’s name?
Women who are more emotional are always eager to name their children considering the circumstances surrounding the child’s conception and arrival.
The issue of grandparents naming a child comes up mostly when it is the first of the family.
In naming children by some parents in the olden days, they named their children according to the days in the week in which they were born, like Sunday, Monday, Friday and so on.
You may be shocked to hear that whether a child is given 10 names by parents or grandparents, when he or she grows up, will decide to change. There are several cases where some persons decided to change especially when they feel that the names given by their parents and grandparents do not give them joy. If they are not doing well in life, they may claim that their misfortune is caused by the name their parents.

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Children’s Performance Can Make Or Mar Them



Competition among children in schools be it primary, (kindergarten) and secondary come in different forms. It can be Mathematics , debate, quiz, spelling bee,competition, from organisations like Cowbell, multi-national companies, faith-based organisations among others.
They are organised mostly for selected intelligent ones, the best among their peers to represent a class, school or group. Prizes are normally set aside for the best as well as consolation prizes for runners-up at the end of each session.
The question is, are children willing to accept defeat when they fail? As parents, guardians, can you encourage your children or wards to accept defeat instead of shouting and comparing them with others who may be performing better either in schools or outside.
Some parents may be blaming their children for not doing well in competitions. They will like to tell their children if others who may perform better have ten heads. Those group of parents blame their children for every failure.
For your children to do better in competition, the parents too must have emotional intelligence. When you continue to blame your children for failure, how intelligent are you?
Some parents always want their children to be in the 1st position and unhappy whenever they secure 2nd position. There were instances where children smashed their trophies because they never got the position they wanted to get and their parents supported them.
Children should be able to accept it whether they win or not. They should be encouraged for every performance. Discourage the issue of “shame, shame, shame, shame”.
A parent says she always tells her children to win even if they will fail. Always give them the mentality that they can win. Children should be given the impression that they can win prizes and laurels in every competition.
Parents should not isolate their children from others in the neighbourhood. Allow them to play with others. Don’t threaten your children that you may not pay their schools fees if they fail. Comparing them with others may encourage or discourage them.
Coming first or getting award as a first class student from the university sometimes does not mean that the person is the best. And if the child does not merit any award in the lower classes, does not mean that he can not merit first class also.
It should be noted that coming first in academic competition may not really mean that the competitor will be the best at work place or business.
Accepting defeat is a way to move higher. Even if a child who competed with others did not come first, there are consolation prizes for runners-up. When you advise the child to accept defeat, you are encouraging her to win in next competition.
Remember all children cannot be on the same knowledge level Their learning abilities defer.

Eunice Choko-Kayode

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Raising Children In Today’s World



There is great anxiety in raising children in today’s world because things are changing. But the anxiety we think children are giving their parents these today’s may not be different from the one they gave their own parents.
Although every generation comes with peculiar issues. Nowadays, you have laptop, Ipad, Iphone, and other devices which have influenced their lives positively or negatively.
These days, distractions are high. When growing up, there was no Yahoo. There is the social media – facebook, whatsapp, twitter among others in vogue. They have both negative and positive impacts on the child.
Parenting means that what you desire from God about the children come to pass. Having faith in God while raising children is key. Trusting God on their behalf is important.
Children of these days can use what they have learnt to advance their lives. They are technically fit with modern technology. A lot of children help their parents and others around them to solve problems with the use of the numerous gadgets in their possession. Be it phones and laptops, even through the YouTube and software engineering in general.
The technics may differ from yesteryears to today. Their engagement in ICT may be keeping the children off from evil. The principles in technology can take them to places. Many of them have succeeded in earning jobs through ICT.
In parenting, keep the children off from evil. When a husband is beating his wife, perhaps the mother of the children, they are watching.
The children must be your friend. Cheer them up always. Build their confidence. Don’t kill yourself in raising children that are difficult.

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