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Prosecute Invaders Of Odili’s Residence, Rivers’ Leaders Tell FG …CUPP Alleges Plot To Arrest S’Court Justice …Attack Undermines Democracy, NBA, SANs Warn …Buhari’s Agents Intimidating S’South, PANDEF Alerts



Governor Nyesom Wike and leaders of Rivers State have issued 48hour ultimatum to the Federal Government to bring to book the masterminds behind the invasion of the residence of Justice Mary Odili of the Supreme Court of Nigeria in Abuja, last Friday.
The Rivers leaders warned that should anything sinister happen to Justice Odili, her husband and former governor of Rivers State, Dr. Peter Odili, the Federal Government should be held accountable.
Wike made this assertion on behalf of Rivers State elders, federal and state lawmakers and local government council chairmen during a press briefing at the Transcop Hotel, Abuja, yesterday.
The governor said they have observed a pattern of persistent harassment of the Odili’s family in recent times by agencies of the Federal Government.
He recalled that on the fateful day the Supreme Court nullified the election victory of the All Progressives Congress (APC) governorship candidate in Bayelsa State, hoodlums suspected to be political thugs, invaded the residence of Justice Odili, but the Federal Government didnot take any steps to bring the culprits to book.
Wike noted that just recently, former Rivers State governor, Dr Peter Odili, had legitimately travelled out of the country for medicals, but on his arrival, his international passport was confiscated for inexplicable reasons by the Nigeria Immigration Service.
He said initially, the Federal Government had feigned ignorance of the seizure of Odili’s passport.
Wike added that after the former governor approached the court to enforce his fundamental human right, the service eventually came up with spurious excuse to justify their ignoble act.
The governor described as most worrisome last Friday’s invasion of the residence of Justice Odili by Federal Government security agencies that claimed they had a warrant issued by a Magistrate Court to search the property.
He noted that though the Attorney General of the Federation and Minister of Justice, AbubakarMalami had denied involvement in the siege on Justice Odili’s residence, the people of Rivers State consider his mere denial as unsatisfactory.
The governor charged the Federal Government to, within 48 hours, apprehend all those involved in the raid of the residence of the Supreme Court justice, the alleged whistle-blower and also interrogate the magistrate who issued the order.
Wike said the people of Rivers State fear that the motive of those who invaded Odili’s residence may have been to assassin the Supreme Court justice, her husband and children.
He declared that the lives of Justice Odili and her husband are important to the people of Rivers State, and urged the Federal Government to ensure that nothing sinister happens to them.
Similarly, the Coalition of United Political Parties (CUPP) alleged that the Federal Government, through its security agents, invaded the residence of Justice Mary Odili, last Friday, in order to plant incriminating materials that would facilitate her arrest.
The CUPP made the allegation, yesterday in Abuja through a statement by its spokesperson, IkengaUgochinyere.
The statement is titled, “CUPP condemns invasion of Justice Odili’s Abuja residence …describes attack as attempt by Federal Government to plant incriminating materials in Odili’s house to arrest her …opposition parties say attack, height of Buhari regime’s executive recklessness.”
The group said it received with shock Friday’s invasion of the Abuja residence of the Justice of the Supreme Court, by armed security agents.
As a group of opposition political parties, CUPP said it “condemns this ungodly and illegal invasion in its entirety.”
Part of the statement read, “Despite its denial, we see the handwriting of the Federal Government clearly on this provocative action of the security agents which was an affront on another arm of government, the Judiciary.
“We know, based on past experiences, that the invasion was conceived and orchestrated by the Federal Government to plant incriminating materials in the house of the respected apex court’s Justice with a view to having a reason to arrest and keep her behind bar.
“With the development, CUPP says the Executive arm of government led by President Muhammadu Buhari has again taken its executive recklessness to a new and disturbing height.
“All lovers of democracy and friends of Nigeria must be concerned about this development which was meant to put fear in the mind of justices, therefore, pocketing the Judiciary so that the Federal Government can continue with its lawless, provocative and arbitrary actions without the checks and balances that are supposed to be provided by the other arms of government.
“The CUPP, therefore, calls on the Federal Government to restrain from further plunging the country into a state of lawlessness by its action.
“The opposition political parties also call on stakeholders in the nation’s temple of justice not to bow to any form of intimidation from the Federal Government, security agencies or any other persons or bodies for that matter.
“They should continue to carry out their roles as the last hope of the common man without fear or favour.”
In the same vein, the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) decried Friday night’s siege laid to the residence of Justice Mary Odili of Supreme Court by security agencies.
While declaring that the siege to Justice Odili’s residence undermines the nation’s democracy, NBA stated that it was convening an emergency meeting of its National Executive Committee (NEC) to take a definitive stand on the incident.
President of NBA, Mr. Olumide Akpata, SAN, likened the siege to Justice Odili residence to a similar raid on the premises of Supreme Court Justices in 2016.
The NBA described the action as part of efforts designed to intimidate and ridicule the Judiciary.
In a statement made available to newsmen, Akpata, vowed that the association would no longer allow this to continue.
He said: “I have spoken with My Lord, Peter-Odili JSC and I am happy to report that she is alive and well. Beyond that however, it is my pledge to Nigerians that the NBA will get to the root of this matter.
“To be clear, Friday night’s event is an affront on the Judiciary and grossly undermines the democracy that we profess to practise. In line with the aims and objectives of the NBA which include the protection and defence of the independence of the Judiciary and the Rule of Law in Nigeria, we will be convening an emergency meeting of the NBA National Executive Committee solely to discuss this issue and take a definitive stand on behalf of the NBA.
“I will also lead a delegation to the Honourable Attorney-General of the Federation, Mr.AbubakarMalami (SAN) and the relevant heads of security agencies to seek further clarification on the circumstances of this incident. Thereafter, the NBA will ensure that all those responsible for this unfortunate incident are brought to book. We must do all that is required to safeguard the independence of our Judiciary and indeed protect our hard-won democracy.”
The umbrella body of the nation’s lawyers told security agencies that their actions erode independence of sacred democratic institutions.
“In case the law enforcement agencies have not learnt their lessons, events like this do nothing but erode the independence of sacred democratic institutions like the Judiciary, undermine the rule of law in Nigeria, and set the country back in the quest to instil confidence in citizens of Nigeria, Nigerian businesses, and foreign investors that Nigeria operates a democracy with an independent Judiciary,” Akpata said.
Akpata lamented that hours after the incident, it has been denials by government agencies and officials on who authorised the raid.
“The NBA received with grave concern the news of the unlawful siege to the Abuja residence of a Justice of the Supreme Court of Nigeria, Hon. Justice Mary Ukaego Peter-Odili, on Friday night by officers of one or more of the Nigerian security agencies.
“Almost 24 hours later, information concerning the basis of the siege remains hazy and the subject of speculation, apart from reports that the invasion was pursuant to a search warrant issued by a Magistrate Court in Abuja, which search warrant has now been revoked.
“The Honourable Attorney-General of the Federation under whose office the team that purportedly carried out the raid is allegedly domiciled has also denounced the team, which suggests the inference that the residence of the second most senior judicial officer in Nigeria was raided by rogue security agencies. The grave implications of this possibility leave a lot to be desired.
“When viewed in the context of a similar raid on the premises of Supreme Court Justices in 2016, the rationale of which was never fully explained or indeed justified, the NBA interprets last night’s incident as a part of an orchestrated affront on the Judiciary, designed to intimidate and ridicule the Judiciary. The NBA will no longer allow this to continue.”
Also, ConcernedSeniorAdvocatesofNigeriaofSoutheasternExtractioncondemnedinstrongtermstheunlawfulraidonOctober29,2021,oftheresidenceofHonJusticeMaryPeterOdili,thesecondmostseniorJusticeoftheSupremeCourtofNigeria.
A statement signed by Prof. IlochiOkafor, SAN; Mr.EtigweUwa, SAN; and Mr.ChijiokeOkoli, SAN, on behalf of the concerned SANs, and made available to The Tide in Port Harcourt, states: “Theraidsaidtohavebeenorchestratedbysomesecurityagencies,isyetanotherfrontalattackontheindependenceandintegrityoftheJudiciary.
“We areworriedthat this eventis part of a series of events aimedatsystematicallyintimidatingandemasculatingthe Judiciary.
“WerecallsimilarraidsbytheEFCC,theDSSandothersecurityoperativesonthepremisesof Justicesofthe SupremeCourtin2016,andresidenceofsomeJudgesoftheFederalHighCourt,inAbuja.
“Despitethese securityagenciespubliclystatingthe raidswereon mistakenidentityofthepremises,noonehas beenarrestedandprosecutedforsuchbrashcriminalattackonthejudiciary.
“SimilarraidsbytheDSSoperativeshadalsotakenplacein thecourtroomofthe HonJustice Ijeoma Ojukwuofthe FederalHighCourtwhilethe Judgewassitting,toabductadefendantinanon-goingcriminalcase,andnone oftheperpetratorshave beenheldaccountable.
“Theseconsistentand systematic attacks of the Judiciary bythe executive are clearlyinbreachoftheconstitutionalprotectionofjudgesandtheJudiciary.
“Inparticular,Section158andParagraph21Part1oftheThirdScheduleoftheConstitutionof the FederalRepublicof Nigeria 1999 clearly empowerthe National JudicialCouncil with responsibility tohandle all complaints and matters relatingtojudicialofficers.
“Thispositionofthelawhasbeenconfirmed inthecaseofNGANJIWAVFEDERALREPUBLICOFNIGERIA(2018)4NWLR(Pt.1609)301wheretheCourtofAppeal stated that‘If anyjudicialofficercommitsa professional misconduct within the scope of his duty and is investigated,arrestedandsubsequentlyprosecutedbysecurityagents,without aformalcomplaint/report tothe NJC, it will be a usurpation of the latter’s constitutionallyguaranteedpowersunderSection 158andParagraph21 Part1 of the Third Schedule, thereby inhibiting the NJC from carrying out its disciplinary control over erring judicial officers as clearly provided by the Constitution.… itisonlywhen theNJChasgivenaverdictandhandedoversuchjudicial officer (removing his toga of judicial powers) tothe prosecuting authority that he may be investigated and prosecuted by the appropriate securityagencies’.
“We re-emphasis thatit amounts to executive infraction onthe judicialindependencetocontinuetoharass,intimidateandhumiliatejudges.Wewant to further reiterate in clear terms that in view of the constitutionally guaranteeddoctrineofindependenceoftheJudiciary,nosecurityagencyor prosecuting authority in Nigeria has the power to investigate, arrest, or prosecute a siting judicial officer without first referring the matter to theNationalJudicialCouncil,andawaitthedirectiveofthecouncil.
“WecallonthePresidentandCommander-in-ChiefoftheArmedForcesoftheFederalRepublicofNigeriatoimmediatelydirectinvestigationofallsecurityagents andotherpersonswhoplayed anyroleinthisassaultonthe Judiciaryandanypersonsfoundculpableshouldbe madetoface thefull wrathofthelaw”, the statement added.
In its reaction, the Pan-Niger Delta Forum (PANDEF) condemned, in the strongest terms, the raid on the Abuja residence of Justice Mary Odili, a Justice of Nigeria’s Supreme Court, and wife of former Governor of Rivers State, Sir Peter Odili.
A statement signed by the National Publicity Secretary of PANDEF, Hon. Ken Robinson, last Saturday, and made available to The Tide in Port Harcourt, said: “The raid, in dusk hours of last Friday, is not only crude and primitive but barbaric and dictatorial. It is another attempt by agents of the MuhammaduBuhari administration to further intimidate and humiliate the nation’s Judiciary. And this is one of such actions too many, against persons of Southern extraction, particularly, persons from the South-South Geopolitical Zone.
“PANDEF recalls that it was in the same nefarious manner that the Abuja residence of the former Chief Justice of Nigeria, Walter Onnoghen, was invaded in January, 2019, which was considered by many as part of political machinations, leading to the 2019 General Elections. Justice Walter Onnoghen was later suspended, made to face a “kangaroo” trial over trumped-up charges, and was forced to retire.
“Earlier, in 2016, the DSS or SSS, in a Gestapo manner, raided the homes of John Okoro and Sylvester Ngwuta, who is now deceased, alongside the residences of AdeniyiAdemola, and NnamdiDimgba of the Federal High Court in Abuja.
“PANDEF calls on all well-meaning and patriotic Nigerians to rise in unison and condemn these atrocious actions against citizens by the federal government and its agents. While calling on the international community, especially the United Kingdom and the United States, not to remain indifferent to the oppressive actions of the Nigerian government against its citizens.
“Nigeria is not an ‘Animal Kingdom’, and we cannot afford to let it plummet to that state; the ramifications would be catastrophic for the entire world.
“PANDEF, therefore, implores President MuhammaduBuhari to stop actions that are capable of thwarting the nation’s democracy, for prosaic and political intentions. Those who ordered and carried out the scatological invasion of the home of Justice Mary Odili must be identified and punished appropriately. Enough of this nonsense!
“The government should also offer a public apology to the nation’s Judiciary, as well as, to the Justice of the Supreme Court. It is significant to note that Justice Mary Odili is the second most senior Justice of the Supreme Court”, the statement added.
It would be recalled that following reports that operatives of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) and some officers of the Nigerian Police, had last Friday stormed the Maitama home of Supreme Court Judge, Justice Mary Odili, in Abuja, the Rivers StateGovernor, Chief NyesomWike, Friday night visited the house to confirm the story.
Others who accompanied the governor to the house include former minister of transport, DrAbiyeSekibo; Founder of DAAR Communications, High Chief Raymond Dokpesi;former deputy speaker of the House of Representatives, Hon Austin Okpara; and OkonAniete and former Senator Lee Maeba.
Reports had alleged that some anti-graft agents invaded the judge’s home to execute a search warrant as part of investigations into her husband, Dr Peter Odili, who is a former governor of Rivers State.
However, in a statement by Head, Media and Publicity, Wilson Uwujaren, the commission condemned the report, noting that none of its officers carried out the said operation.
“The attention of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) has been drawn to claims in a section of the media that operatives of the commission today, October 29, 2021 stormed the Maitama, Abuja home of a Judge of the Supreme Court, Justice Mary Odili, purportedly to execute a search.
“The commission by this statement wishes to inform the public that the report is false as it did not carry out any operation at the home of Justice Odili. If there was any such operation as claimed by the media, it was not carried out by the EFCC. The commission enjoins the public to discountenance the report”, the statement added.


Rivers Open To Blue Economy Investment -Fubara



Rivers State Governor, Sir Siminalayi Fubara, has said that the State stands as the best investment destination for good economic achievement.
Fubara stated this while providing investment details to industrialists during the 3rd Nigeria-Indonesia Forum in Port Harcourt, yesterday.
He said that, as the oil and gas hub of Nigeria, Rivers State stands as the best investment destination for good economic achievement.
The governor, who was represented by the Secretary to the State Government, Dr. Tammy Danagogo, enumerated the vast opportunities Rivers State holds to potential investors in the marine and blue economy, agriculture, hospitality and tourism, health, transportation, amongst other sectors.
He commended the leadership of the Nigeria-Indonesia Commercial Association and the Port Harcourt Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture (PHCCIMA) for its continuous support to keep Rivers State at the peak for investors.
“Your decision to convoke this business forum is indeed apt. It will provide a robust platform for discussions in the areas of health, education, trade, investment, energy, environment…Vast opportunities exist in agriculture and agro-based industries, marine resources and blue economy, hospitality and tourism, transport, petroleum and other natural resources such as clay, raffia palm and textile with promising labour”, he emphasized.
He urged participants to use the forum to build partnerships for mutual economic benefits for both Rivers State and Indonesia.
“I am optimistic that this Forum will explore the investment opportunities in the State as well as harness them for our mutual benefits. I assure you that doing business in the State is strengthened by the enabling environment provided by the State Government to potential investors.
“I encourage you all to engage actively in discussions, share your insights, and learn from one another and create new collaborations and explore the investment opportunities in the State. Your ideas would no doubt spark the next big innovation or partnership that will drive meaningful change in our economy,” he stressed.
The Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to Nigeria, His Excellency, Dr. Ussra Hendru Harahap, gave insight into the Nigeria-Indonesia dynamic similarities and that Rivers State is host to Indonesia’s biggest investment in Nigeria.
He further indicated that Indonesia and Nigeria can mutually benefit from the diverse use of palm fruit and other businesses as he urged participants to explore new grounds for business development and expansion for both Indonesia and Rivers State.
The President of the Port Harcourt Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture, Sir Mike Elechi, said the aim of the business forum is to provide more business opportunities to the people of Rivers State in view of attracting more business opportunities that will expand and promote commercial activities and investments in the State.

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Tinubu, Buhari Mourn Ohanaeze Ndigbo President General, Iwuanyanwu



President Bola Tinubu has extended his heartfelt commiserations to the family of Chief Emmanuel Iwuanyanwu, who passed away, yesterday.
Chief Iwuanyanwu was the President-General of Ohanaeze Ndigbo Worldwide. He was an accomplished businessman and notable politician.
President Tinubu condoled with the Imo State Government, the friends and associates of the deceased, and Ndi Igbo over this irreparable loss.
The President in a statement by his spokesman, Chief Ajuri Ngelale, affirmed that Chief Iwuanyanwu will always be remembered for his remarkable legacy.
President Tinubu prayed for the repose of the soul of the departed elder statesman and comfort to his family.
Meanwhile, former Governor of Abia State, Senator Theodore Orji, has expressed rude shock over the demise of the President General of Ohanaeze Ndigbo, Chief Emmanuel Iwuanyanwu.
The former Chairman, South East Governors Forum described Iwuanyanwu’s death as “ a big disaster and colossal loss to the Igbo nation”.
He said Chief Iwuanyanwu sacrificed so much in the advancement of Igbo cause but regretted that he exited at a time his fatherly counsels were most needed.
Senator Orji who said Iwuanyanwu was a personal friend, said he was highly devastated by the news of the departure of the late Igbo leader.
The former Senator representing Abia Central, a statement by his former Chief Liaison Officer , Hon. Ifeanyi Umere, said the death of Iwuanyanwu, had added to the pain of the loss of some other Igbo leaders who excited in the recent times.
He said that Iwuanyanwu would always be remembered for his patriotism, sacrificial leadership and passion for the Igbo cause.
Senator Orji condoled with the family of the late Ohanaeze helmsman while praying God to grant the soul of the deceased eternal repose in heaven.
Iwuanyanwu’s death was announced by his son Jide Iwuanyanwu, in a statement made available to newsmen in Owerri, yesterday.
According to the son, “The Iwuanyanwu family of Umuohii Atta in Ikeduru Local Government Area of Imo State announced the demise of our Patriarch, Engr Chief Emmanuel Chukwuemeka Iwuanyanwu, Ahaejiagamba Ndigbo.
“Chief Iwuanyanwu died on Thursday July 25, 2024 after a brief illness. He was aged aged 82.
“Chief Iwuanyanwu, before his death, was President General of Ohanaeze Ndigbo Worldwide and President of Owerri Peoples Assembly.
“Chief Iwuanyanwu is survived by his wife, lady Princess Iwuanyanwu, many children and grandchildren including Dr Mrs Nwadiuto Iheakanwa, Managing Director Champion Newspapers.
“Details of the burial will be announced later by the family after due consultation.”

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Nigeria Capable Of Providing Good Healthcare System -German Consul-General



The German Consul- General, Weert Börner, has said that Nigeria was capable of providing a good healthcare system, rather than encouraging promotion of medical tourism.
Börner said this during the Africa Social Impact Summit (ASIS) yesterday, in Lagos while highlighting Germany’s role in enhancing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Nigeria.
He listed some of his country’s areas of support to include Good Health and Well-being; Quality Education; and Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure.
According to him, there are discussions on how the COVID-19 pandemic still influences the SDG achievement and the challenge to overcome the gap and its impacts.
“I can assure you that Germany was very impressed how Nigeria handled the pandemic, especially Lagos State, with Health Commissioner, Prof. Akin Abayomi.
“We have been increasing our support to modernise Nigeria’s health sector.
“I can assure you the German government is not a government promoting medical tourism to Europe. We think that’s not a solution.
“The solution is to improve the healthcare system in Nigeria.
“And there is no tourism needed in the future to get good treatment because we think that Nigeria is capable to have its own good health care system,” he said.
To support the health sector, Börner said that the German government has been training medical personnel, offering scholarships to medical students and has active presence of German companies in Nigeria’s health sector.
The envoy also said that Germany offers annual scholarships for both master degrees and PhD students globally through the German Academic Exchange Service, (DAAD).
“And in 2023, for the first time ever, among sub-Saharan African nations, Nigeria ranked number one.
“The number of Nigerian scholarship receivers went up within 13 years from just 200 to 1,600. So that’s a big success for your country, but I think also for the world,” he said.
Börner emphasised that vocational training was a traditional strength of the German system, noting that it was cooperating with the government and the private sector, citing training for solar energy engineers in Nigeria.
The consul-general stressed the need for best practices and strengthened cooperation to actualise SDGs in Nigeria, Africa and globally.
The Africa Social Impact Summit is a multi-sectoral platform dedicated to accelerating action on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Nigeria and across Africa.
The Summit organised by Sterling One Foundation, United Nations and the Lagos State Government has the theme: “Reimagining Progress: A New Blueprint for Sustainable Growth in Africa.”

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