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You Manufacture Falsehood, Dogara Blasts Tinubu …Over Budget Padding Claims



The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Hon Yakubu Dogara, has said that the All Progressives Congress (APC) National Leader, Asiwaju Bola Tinubu manufactured falsehoods, painted a non-existing picture when he alleged that the leadership of the National Assembly had padded the budget for the last four years.
Dogara was reacting to comments credited to Tinubu in which he reportedly said, “Just look at the way Saraki and Dogara and their ilk hijacked the budget process these past four years. National budgets were delayed and distorted as these actors repeatedly sought to pad budgets with pet projects that would profit them”.
Reacting to Tinubu’s allegation in a statement issued on his behalf by his spokesman, Turaki Hassan, yesterday, said ‘Asiwaju Tinubu dwelt on brazen mendacity, much less murder facts and decorum in his rabid bid to justify his patently clear fascist agenda of controlling all levers of power in Nigeria.
Tinubu’s nocturnal agenda has no parallel in the history of any democracy and it is more loathsome when he throws caution to the winds and maligns government officials who are doing a yeoman’s job of stabilising the government of President Muhammadu Buhari, even in spite of political differences.’
Dogara also said, ‘Asiwaju shouldn’t take better informed Nigerians for fools. Otherwise, when he sought to take control of the 8th Senate and 8th House in 2015, was it because of any Budget Saraki and Dogara had delayed or pet projects they had inserted into any Budget before 2015?
‘Asiwaju must come clean on this matter. He should let Nigerians know why he wants to install both the Senate President, the Speaker and leadership of the 9th Assembly. He may yet win the support of some of them if he comes clean on this matter.’
Dogara’s statement read thus, “Only the ignorant with dubious academic certificates will say the maker of a document has padded the document that only he can constitutionally make We have noted the statement issued on April 21, 2019 by Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu wherein he stated his reasons for sponsoring or supporting some aspirants to various leadership positions in the forthcoming 9th Assembly.
“Ordinarily, this would not have elicited any response from His Excellency, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Rt Hon Yakubu Dogara, as Asiwaju is entitled to sponsor those he believes will have no choice but answer to his dog whistles anytime he blows same in his capacity as the self acclaimed National Leader of his party.
“If Asiwaju had confined his intervention to stubborn facts, this response would not have been necessary. He, however, used the opportunity to manufacture falsehoods and paint a non-existing picture of the stewardship of Mr Speaker and the work of the 8th House of Representatives under his watch. It is therefore, incumbent on us to set the records straight for posterity.
“Asiwaju Tinubu accused the leadership of the National Assembly of stymieing ‘the APC legislative initiatives while attempting to hoist noxious reactionary and self interested legislation on the nation’.”
He said further: “Just look at the way Saraki and Dogara and their ilk hijacked the Budget Process these past four years. National budgets were delayed and distorted as these actors repeatedly sought to pad budgets with pet projects that would profit them”.
He continued, “Even worse, they cut funds intended to prosper projects that would have benefited the average person. After four years of their antics halting the progress of government, we should do all we can to prevent a repeat of their malign control of the National Assembly”.
He generously used the usual unexplained words like installing a progressive leadership and so on.
“We do not expect Asiwaju Tinubu to dwell on brazen mendacity, much less murder facts and decorum in his rabid bid to justify his patently clear fascist agenda of controlling all levers of power in Nigeria. Asiwaju Tinubu’s nocturnal agenda has no parallel in the history of any democracy and it is more loathsome when he throws caution to the winds and maligns government officials who are doing a yeoman’s job of stabilising the government of President Muhammadu Buhari, even in spite of political differences.
“It is on record that the Rt. Hon. Speaker has done more to stabilize this government more than Asiwaju Tinubu and his ilk whose stock in trade is scheming, manipulation and subversion especially when they feel they cannot be caught. When the history of Buhari’s administration is written by those who know the truth of what really transpired in the last four years, Asiwaju’s pretentious loyalty to President Buhari will then be exposed. We won’t say more but no matter how long it may last, the truth will one day overtake lies.
“Perhaps, Asiwaju is still bitter about the leadership contest for Speakership of the 8th Assembly, even though the actors have moved on culminating in Speaker Dogara magnanimously facilitating the appointment of his opponent in the race and Tinubu’s protege as House Majority leader.
“The chief cause of delay in enacting the budget is the persistent refusal or neglect of the Executive to present it in good time. For the records, in the last four years, there was no urgency or plan by the Executive to achieve a January to December budget cycle.
“For the avoidance of doubt, we will show the dates the Budget estimates were submitted by the Executive in the last four years below. -2016 Budget was submitted on December 22, 2015, exactly nine days to the end of the year. -2017 Budget submitted on December 14,2016, just 17 days to the end of the year. -2018 Budget was presented on November 7, 2017, the earliest even though it also fell short of the 90 days stipulated by the Fiscal Responsibility Act. -2019 budget was presented on December 19, 2018 exactly 12 days to the end of the year.
“As if the late or delayed submission of budget estimates wasn’t enough, in most cases, Ministers and heads of agencies contributed to the so-called delay by consistently refusing to appear before National Assembly Standing Committees to defend their budget proposals in line with the provision of the Law. At some point, the leadership of the National Assembly had to take up the issue with the President who advised his Ministers to honour legislative invitations to defend their budgets.
“What Nigerians don’t know is that the Executive, through the various Ministries, continued to propose additional projects to be included in the 2018 budget even as at April and May of 2018 which further delayed the passage of the 2018 budget. These were communicated officially and if anyone is in doubt, we will exhibit the letters with the dates they were written and received.
“In any case, the National Assembly inserted a clause in the Appropriation Bill consistent with S.318 of the Constitution which allowed the Budget to last for 12 months after Mr President’s Assent. This enabled the Executive to spend more of the capital component of the Budget as it still had 12 months protected by law.
“As an activist legislature, the National Assembly effected an amendment to S. 81(1) of the Constitution to compel Mr President to present the Budget estimates not later than 90 days to the end of a financial year in order to solve this problem but unfortunately, very unfortunately, Mr President declined assent to the bill which was passed by both the National Assembly and over 2/3rds of the State Assemblies.
“The National Assembly made a further attempt to make the Budget process much better by improving the institutional capacity of the Parliament to process and pass National budgets by passing the National Assembly Budget and Research Office (NABRO) Establishment Bill into law. It was loosely modelled after the American Congressional Budget Office (CBO).
“Again, Mr President declined assent to the Bill. 10. It is important to emphasize that the National Assembly is not a Rubber Stamp Parliament and reserves the right, working cooperatively with the Executive to interrogate projects unilaterally inserted by the Executive branch without the input of or consultation with Parliament.
“The legislature cannot be accused of padding a Budget it has unquestionable constitutional power to review. The Budget is a law and the Executive does not make laws.
“Therefore, it’s only the ignorant and those who hold dubious academic certificates that say the maker of a document has padded the document that only he can constitutionally make.
“In the words of his lordship, Hon Justice Gabriel Kolawole of the Federal High Court, in suit No.FHC/ABJ/CS/259/2014 delivered on March 9, 2016, “the National Assembly was not created by drafters of the Constitution and imbued with the powers to receive ‘budget estimates’ which the first defendant is constitutionally empowered to prepare and lay before it, as a rubber stamp parliament.
“The whole essence of the budget estimates being required to be laid before Parliament is to enable it, being the Assembly of the representatives of the people, to debate the said budget proposals and to make its own well informed legislative inputs into it.”
“The parliamentarians are representatives of the Nigerian people and you don’t expect them to rubber stamp budgets that are heavily skewed and lopsided against most sections of the country. It is their responsibility to ensure equitable and even distribution of capital projects across all the nooks and crannies of the country, if the Executive fails to do so. In any case, it is false to state that legislative intervention in the Budget Process is to benefit the legislators and not their constituencies. We challenge Asiwaju Tinubu to prove otherwise.
“He should also show in what way the 8th Assembly acted differently from other Assemblies of the past to warrant the kind of language used.
“In any case, all the aspirants to the Senate Presidency and Speakership he is sponsoring are majority leaders in the 8th Assembly and took part in the Budget Process that he made the chief basis of his crude attack.
“This proves beyond doubt the hypocrisy of Asiwaju’s stated reasons for supporting his candidates. He should find better reasons other than the lies being peddled about the Budget and obstructing government business.
“Asiwaju shouldn’t take better informed Nigerians for fools. Otherwise, when he sought to take control of the 8th Senate and 8th House in 2015, was it because of any Budget Saraki and Dogara had delayed or pet projects they had inserted into any Budget before 2015? Asiwaju must come clean on this matter.
“He should let Nigerians know why he wants to install both the Senate President, the Speaker and leadership of the 9th Assembly. He may yet win the support of some of them if he comes clean on this matter.
“The 8th National Assembly is on record to have supported Mr President’s requests on critical issues of governance. We backed him by Resolution on the issue of fuel subsidy, we backed him on the National Minimum wage, even though we were more sympathetic to workers’ rights. In security matters, we never cut any proposal from Mr President save our refusal to rubber stamp a clear constitutional overreach of spending $1 billion in arms purchase without appropriation.
“We have passed more Bills than any Assembly before us including Bills that are helping the government improve the ease of doing business in Nigeria, and there were times we passed Bills within 2 legislative days. Is Tinubu genuinely ignorant of all these?
“We challenge Asiwaju Tinubu to list out the Bills he claimed were not passed by the National Assembly. The oil and gas or petroleum sector is the most important and critical sector of our economy which accounts for over 70 percent of our earnings, the Executive didn’t forward a single Bill to the National Assembly to reform and reposition the sector in the last four years even when repeatedly urged to do so by Mr Speaker in his first year in office.
“The lawmakers waited in vain and had to take the bold initiative of crafting a Bill – Petroleum Industry Governance Bill (PGIB) among others, passed it in record time and transmitted same to Mr President for assent. This Bill was vetoed without an alternative Legal framework proposed by the Executive. Did Asiwaju miss this also?
“Asiwaju Tinubu should mention the so-called bills the Executive sent to the National Assembly and were delayed to show he is a man of honour or forever keep his peace. Could someone also challenge Asiwaju to list all the “noxious reactionary and self interested legislation on the nation”?
“Can he name the bills that are reactionary and not in the national interest? Is this how wayward lust for power blinds the reasoning of people we should ordinarily respect? Is it not most unfair, unpatriotic and wicked for Asiwaju Tinubu to have resorted to factoids in promoting his known fascist agenda which he mistakenly thinks he is keeping secret.
“We will like to point the attention of Mr. Tinubu to the fact that most of the bills listed above got international and national endorsement from stakeholders who lauded the Senate for the move. For example, the Financial Intelligence Database Agency (Ultrascan) commended the Senate for passing the NFIU Act which enabled the country to be re-admitted into the Egmont Group. Also, the Nigerian Police leadership have praised the Senate for passing the Police Reforms Bill and the Police Trust Fund Bill.
Again, when the National Assembly in the 2018 budget gave effect to the law allowing one percent of the budget to be devoted to Primary Health Care Delivery, it got kudos from Bill Gates, Bono, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus of WHO, and various national groups who believe the move would bring health care delivery to the poor people across the country. The passage of the UBEC Act (amendment) Bill was praised by Pakistani child education campaigner and youngest Nobel Laureate, Yousafzai Malala.
“When the PIGB was passed, APC led by Tinubu, National Association of Petroleum Explorationists (NAPE), among others, hailed the Senate for a good job. Even, the World Bank commended the National Assembly for the passage of the Company and Allied Matters Act and Secured Transactions in Movable Assets and Credit Bureau Reporting Act. Of course, all these initiatives will be ignored by a man who is still sulking because his vow in 2015 that Saraki and Dogara will never lead the National Assembly did not materialize.
He reiterated that Tinubu was agonising on the erroneous belief that Saraki frustrated his ambition from becoming running mate to President Muhammadu Buhari through a Muslim-Muslim ticket in 2015.
“In his usual cavalier manner, he will stop at nothing to punish Saraki for that. We know that this attack is not about the interest of the nation or that of President Muhammadu Buhari. It is about his 2023 ambition and it is obvious in the statement as he struggled to explain this away.
Tinubu should know that while we await his attack for the next quarter, we can only advise him to stay on facts,” Saraki further said.
“Finally, we advise Asiwaju Tinubu to be circumspect in his use of language. In this case, he spoke as a spokesperson of depravity. Our reaction must therefore be seen as a provoked counter-punch. Anyone can descend into the gutter if he so wishes but no one has a monopoly of gutter language. We won’t run an adult day care centre anymore on matters like this,” Dogara added.

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Fubara Gives Scholarship To 100 Children, Widows Of Fallen Heroes



Rivers State Governor, Siminalayi Fubara, has given scholarship grant to 100 children and widows of fallen heroes of the Nigerian Legion, Rivers State command.
Presenting cheques to the beneficiaries, Fubara, represented by the Secretary to the State Government, Dr. Tammy Danagogo, advised the students to take their studies seriously.
“Make good use of this opportunity, by dint of hard work. Anyone can be great in any field of choice. I want you to know that the future is bright but it is in your hands.
“Tomorrow, you can be the leader that Nigeria needs at both national and state levels, but you must work hard now. Make good use of this opportunity by being focused on your studies,” he admonished the beneficiaries.
The governor further commended the leadership of the Legion in the State for sustaining the scholarship scheme for the widows and children of fallen heroes.
“The best gift you can give to anyone is education. By educating them, you are empowering them to become good leaders of our society. They are the future of our country, continue the good works,” he stated.
The ceremony was also attended by the National Leader of the Nigerian Legion, Maj. Gen. A.M, Jubril (Rtd), the Commissioner of Education, Dr. Ivy Chiemedum, representatives of Service Chiefs, members of the Nigerian Legion in Rivers State and widows of fallen heroes.

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FG Panics As #EndBadGovernance Protest Begins, Aug 1 …Yoruba Youths, Ezekwesili Call For Caution



There is palpable fear within the government circle as the plan to organise a nationwide protest against economic hardships have gained significant traction on social media.
President Bola Tinubu met with some traditional rulers in the country and governors from the All Progressives Congress (APC) under the aegis of the Progressives Governors Forum at the Presidential Villa, Abuja, yesterday.
The President’s meeting with the APC governors began at minutes past 1pm, while the meeting with the traditional rulers began at about 2:30 pm when the President arrived at the Council Chamber.
Although the agenda of the two meetings was not disclosed, sources revealed that it may not be unconnected to the planned protests scheduled for August 1-10.
The planned protests, organised under the hashtag ‘EndBadGovernance,’ have gained significant traction on social media even as the organisers remain largely anonymous, with no group officially claiming responsibility.
This meeting follows an earlier conclave of the Nigeria Governors’ Forum on Wednesday night and comes after a last-minute cancellation of the National Economic Council (NEC) meeting earlier scheduled for yesterday.
Leading the delegation of royal fathers are the Sultan of Sokoto, Muhammad Sa’ad Abubakar III, and the Ooni of Ife, Oba Adeyeye Enitan Ogunwusi, while the APC governors delegation was led by its chairman and Governor of Imo State, Hope Uzodimma.
Present at the meeting are Vice President Kashim Shettima, Secretary to the Government of the Federation, George Akume; the National Security Adviser, Nuhu Ribadu, and the Inspector-General of Police, Kayode Egbetokun, and Governor Abdulrazaq Abdulrahman of Kwara State who is the Chairman of the Nigeria Governors Forum, and Hope Uzodinma of Imo State, who chairs the Progressives Governors Forum.
The Minister of Finance and Coordinating Minister of the Economy, Wale Edun, and the Minister of Budget and Economic Planning, Atiku Bagudu, also joined President Tinubu at the meeting.
Both the APC governors and traditional rulers did not brief the press after the two separate meetings.
However, the Coalition of Yoruba Youth leaders have called on organisers of the planned nationwide protest to shelve the idea and remain calm.
President-General of the coalition, Dr Tolani Hassan, said in a statement in Lagos, yesterday, that the apex umbrella body for all Yoruba youth associations and organisations had dissociated itself from the protest.
Hassan, who is also the National President, Yoruba Youths Association Worldwide , however, said that the coalition recognised the plight of Nigerians.
“The economy is unfriendly, the cost of living is outrageous and out of the reach of the common man.
“It is also true that the inflation rate is in the double digit and the unemployment rate in Nigeria is alarming.
“So many graduates are out there with no means of survival. The Federal Government has not employed people in the last couple of years.
“However, the leadership of Yoruba youth leaders do not want a repeat of the ENDSARS saga, hence, our call for protest cancellation and calm,” he said.
The president-general urged the organisers to rather employ other measures to make the government across levels understand the economic hardship in the land.
“There should be a more refined manner of getting our leaders to hear our plights other than protest.
“There are agitations and insecurity in every part of the country, any attempt to have a protest now may cause mayhem, which is not the solution to our pressing challenges.
“The apex body of the entire youths in Yoruba land expressly dissociates itself from the planned protest.
“We will defend the entire South-West against any form of destruction by disgruntled elements, who may want to cause havoc in the region, particularly, Lagos state,” Hassan said.
Similarly, Hassan emphasized the need to embrace unity, pointing out that dialogue is the best way while consultation is a better approach.
He, however, pleaded with President Bola Tinubu to listen to the youth -”his children”, who were agitated.
“We love you Sir, Mr President, but we are hungry and unemployed,” the president-general said.
The youth leader advised Tinubu to directly interface with all the youth leaders in the various geo-political zones, saying the use of intermediaries would not bring results.
He called for a National Youth Summit, where all the various youth leaders would discuss with Mr President and address all the prevailing issues.
Stressing the coalition’s continued support for the President, Hassan urged the Federal Government to review both the monetary and fiscal policies, in the interest of the Nigerian masses.
He called for concerted effort by both the public and organised private sector to engage in massive employment generation and reduction of job losses.
“The economy should be friendly to both local and foreign investors. The power sector should be completely overhauled. This is the hub of the economy,” Hassan said.
He called for the review of educational curriculum from primary to tertiary level and inculcation of practical skills, including agriculture, to make Nigerian youths self-reliant.
The youth leader, who appreciated the inclusion of youths in the Federal cabinet, demanded for more, and urged the Federal Government to regularly engage the youth leadership of the various geo-political zones.
“35 per cent slots should be given to youths in the federal cabinet and federal boards appointment,” he said.
Meanwhile, a former Minister of Education, Oby Ezekwesili, has urged the federal and state governments to handle the planned protests with civility and empathy.
In a statement titled “My Position on the Nationwide Protest of our Young Citizens,” and posted on X, yesterday, Ezekwesili highlighted the distress being experienced by many Nigerians, particularly the youth, due to severe economic hardships.
“All reasonable people know that the majority of our citizens—especially the young ones-are distressed on many counts, from biting economic hardship that is prevalent in the country today. They blame it on bad governance and are therefore demanding an end to it,” she stated.
She criticised the reactions of politicians, public officials, and their allies, which she described as undemocratic and lacking empathy.
She pointed out that news of the planned protests has already caused agitation among government officials.
“I hope the Federal Government and its allies can quickly and wisely cease from threatening those among our citizens who wish to exercise their constitutional right of expression, association, and movement through a nationwide protest,” she urged.
The Bring Back Our Girls Convener called on President Bola Tinubu, the National Assembly, and state governors to seize the opportunity presented by the protests to engage with the dissatisfied youths.
She emphasized the importance of protecting and supporting the protesters to ensure peaceful demonstrations.
“Ensure that the protesters are protected and supported by the police and related agencies like the Civil Defence Corps to protest peacefully and orderly in presenting their demands and agitations to the authorities.
“Be guided by the terrible lessons of the mishandling of the #EndSARS protests,” she advised.
Ezekwesili also recommended that the government respond to the protesters with a clear plan to achieve good governance on the issues being raised.
She stressed the need for politicians and public officials to listen and learn from their citizens.
“I hope that our politicians and public officials will heed counsel and allow themselves the humility of listening and learning from their citizens at a time like this,” she added.

Boye Salau

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ECA Advises African Countries On Rising Indebtedness



The Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) has called on countries to explore reforms on the common debt relief framework to better address rising indebtedness in Africa.
The Executive Secretary, ECA, Mr Claver Gatete, in a statement presented this at a joint press briefing on the margins of the recently concluded 2024 High Level Political Forum (HLPF).
Gatete highlighted the challenges of accessing financing for the continent’s priorities, especially the concessional funds that are long term and cheaper.
He said the reform of global financing system was urgent, as it could mitigate access to critical resources needed for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The Tide’s source reports that the African Development Bank (AfDB) said that from 2010 to 2023, Africa’s debt increased by 192 per cent.
The AfDB data also showed that African countries paid 163 billion dollars annually with an external debt stock of 1.1 trillion dollars, the highest ever seen,
According to Gatete, this means that by paying the debt, countries would have very little room to implement the SDGs and the next 10-year programme of the African Union (AU).
Gatete highlighted the need for domestic resource mobilisation in Africa to tackle illicit financial flows and improve taxation.
He also emphasised the importance of developing capital markets to provide long-term resources as part of private sector engagement in Africa.
He said: “There are opportunities in restructured green, blue and sustainability linked bonds that can attract more investors to fund climate-related solutions.
“ECA is working with countries to strengthen domestic resource mobilisation through capital markets to improve self-financing and financial sustainability in Africa.”
He said it was crucial to increase fiscal space and address interrelated issues, including peace building and conflict prevention.
“Also the involvement of the youth in sustainable development processes to ensure long term progress, “ he said.
Ms Christina Duarte, Head of the United Nations Headquarters based Office of the Special Adviser on Africa (OSAA), SDG implementation said only 12 per cent of the 140 targets of the SDG have been delivered.
She said to understand the root causes of the financing challenges faced on the continent, the focus should be on sustainable financing and institutional strengthening in Africa to build resilience.
“So, long-term solutions such as tackling economic and financial flows to address Africa’s debt distress and deliver on the sustainable development goals is very critical,’’ she said.
The HLPF Africa Day aims at highlighting key issues stemming from the Africa Regional Forum on Sustainable Development (ARFSD) and other major consultations.
The joint briefing displays how the AU, the UN Office of OSAA and ECA work together to support African member states in implementing the SDGs and the AU’s Agenda 2063.
The HLPF pulls together member states from around the world to forge pathways to accelerate the implementation of the SDGs.

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