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I’ m Here To Create Jobs – Okonjo-Iweala



Former Managing Director of the World Bank, Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala who was sworn-in last week by President Goodluck Jonathan as the Minister of Finance declared that her main priority as she resumed duties was to create jobs which was a key component of the president’s transformation agenda.

She made the declaration after she took oath of office, even as President Jonathan said that Dr Okonjo-Iweala and other ministers who were formerly based abroad before being invited to join the cabinet will not be paid salaries and allowances in foreign currencies.

Meanwhile, the President has also constituted the National Economic Management Team, NEMT, which will be inaugurated today with Dr Okonjo-Iweala as the Co-ordinator of the team.

Dr. Ngozi Okonjo Iweala taking oath of office as Minister of Finance during the Federal Executive Council meeting Wednesday in Abuja.

Okonjo-Iweala who fielded questions from State House correspondents after the weekly Federal Executive Council, FEC, was not comfortable with a question from reporters on the ongoing reforms of the banking sector by the Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN, stating that the CBN doesn’t have any reform, apart from President Jonathan’s reforms.

“There is no reform package by the CBN and no reform package by the Ministry of Finance. There is a reform package for Nigeria which is being led by President Goodluck Jonathan. We are here to make sure that his priorities are met. CBN is dealing with monetary, currencies and exchange rates policies and the Finance sector is fiscal policy. The two have to come together in order to make a whole so there is no division”, she said.

“But let me say this first the whole thrust of what the president wants for now is the creation of jobs so everything that we do in terms of pushing the economy forward has to be geared around how we can have a true job growth of the economy. So we are going to be working on that”, she added.

According to her, “those micro economic structure reforms and investments in key sectors that need to be done in order that we create job for our youths would be the critical thrust but we can expand on that later”.

On the issues of the debt, she said, “first we have to look at the fiscal issues in the country studying possibilities of fiscal consolidation and that includes looking at our debt level. As you know, I am somebody that believes we should have a prudent approach to our debt. But we will be able to tell you more later when we have started the process of looking at the budget”.

As she assumed duties yesterday at the Ministry of Finance secretariat, Dr. Okonjo-Iweala, set for herself and the ministry staff, a three-point agenda of “efficiency, effectiveness and delivery.”

Exuding confidence, she said the various challenges of the Nigerian economy could be successfully tackled with determination and readiness of spirited Nigerians to ensure the success of the needed reforms.

She urged all staff of the ministry to work hard, explaining that she could be a “very demanding” person.

The former World Bank Managing Director told the top management that the execution of government’s policies would be based on hard work and that she was determined to ensure that Federal Ministry of Finance was at the lead in that regard. It is essential that all team members work together to deliver on the agenda”, she said, adding that she did not have all the solutions alone.

She described her appointment into the cabinet as an honour that humbled her immensely and that “nobody is too big to serve his or her country. My decision to serve my country is because of my love for my country. I love Nigeria with a passion”.

According to her, “Nigeria can do better than it is doing currently only if all those saddled with the responsibility of implementing the policies play together as a team”.

In a brief remark, the Minister of State for Finance, Alhaji Yerima Lawan Ngama identified a successful execution of the Vision 20:2020 as critical to the realisation of the Goodluck Jonathan administration’s transformation agenda.  Meanwhile, President Goodluck Jonathan has announced that contrary to reports, he has no pact with any of the cabinet members sourced from the diaspora, including the immediate past World Bank second highest officer, to earn wages in US dollar.

Said he: “The question the media ask and I know, for Ngozi, it was quite embarrassing when you accepted to serve; it was in the media that you gave conditions to be paid in dollars. Let me formally announce to Nigerians that she accepted to serve just like any other minister and indeed others who came from the diaspora have not asked us for dollar salary. They are going to receive salary and allowances like others in the cabinet. They are coming to serve the country and are not coming because of their personal aggrandizement.

“For today’s ceremony, there is the need to make one or two statements. First let me welcome Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala on board, a very familiar terrain. She was here before most of us here, as a minister of finance and minister of foreign affairs briefly before leaving”.

He thanked the new minister for accepting to come and serve again, “because considering the position you were holding at the foremost world bank, it is difficult for you to come back to serve as minister in a country”.

“And I am saying this with all pride because when your name was made known and it entered the media, anywhere I go, heads of state and governments were wondering why you would even agree to come; and they were appreciative of me, especially the African presidents that I did well to pull you back home to help solve the African problem because they know your worth in the World  Bank

“Let me also thank the World Bank, particularly Zoellick for allowing you to come, for co-operating with us and promising to support us. It is an opportunity for us to thank the world bank and also thank the president especially. People wonder why we want her back, we want her back not just to manage the Ministry of Finance but we are opportuned to have her as somebody who is quite vast in economic issues and we want her back to play a key role in the economic issues in the country.

“Of course, you also know that in the immediate past, she also introduced the idea of Economic Management Team during Obasanjo’s time and we followed up- the late President Yar’Adua and myself.” The President disclosed that NEMT is to be inaugurated this morning at Council Chambers of the State, even as he promised to expand the team as the need arises.

“This time around we are expanding the Economic Team because we believe the country is one. Yes, the states have their own economies but if there is no proper coordination in the management of the economy between the federal government and the states, we cannot go anywhere as a nation. And that is why the economic team, this time around, will have some governors as members.”

But specifically, he said: “Ngozi is brought in to coordinate all economic activities of the federal government and of course by extension, help the state. Let me also thank other ministers brought in from the diaspora, we know it is quite challenging to move from developed countries to Nigeria”.  “For you, the expectation, not just from Nigeria, but the whole world, is quite high. People expect so much from you, some people feel you have the magic wand to wave and change everything. I believe with your level of experience and with the support we will give you, and of course cooperation of your colleagues, all of you collectively will help to change our own country. You will help to work to make sure that our transformation agenda move smoothly and get to the destination expected.  “I am quite happy with the ministers on board because this time we are emphasizing the cluster arrangement even though the economic management team has not been formally inaugurated, I am aware that the core economic ministers have been meeting in the minister of petroleum resources office.

They have been holding meetings to see how the ministers can work together. So your job is easier because even before you take the oath of office, already people are doing the work and they are working together. So the spirit is already there for you people to work together; and I will give all the ministers the political support to what they are meant to do and I believe all of you will succeed”.

President Jonathan directed that as from next week, “probably after the Sallah celebrations, various ministries will give us comprehensive briefings on where we are and where we want to go”. Issues of financing our project for the next four years will be key and of course you will be in all the briefings because the issue of the briefings usually ends with money. There is only one minister that told me and I pray that it should be so that Mr. President after one year the government would not need to spend money in my sector, we would be able to generate enough funds to drive my sector; and I said, if we can get that kind of ministers in all the sectors, it would be lovely.”

He said “so we are quite hopeful that you (Okonjo-Iweala) have the team of ministers that are really ready to transform this country. I am quite pleased with the interactions I have been having with few of them for now both the ministers and the ministers of state, they have the spirit, the willingness to work hard to change our country. I think I would be one of the luckiest presidents that would have this kind of cabinet. So let me once again thank you and indeed all the ministers for accepting to serve our country.”

The 24-member National Economic Management Team, NEMT, constituted by the president will be inaugurated today. The President is the Chairman of the team with Vice President Mohammed Namadi Sambo as Vice Chairman, while Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Minister of Finance and Coordinating Minister for the Economy is the Coordinator of the Economic Management Team.

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CBN Assures On Depositors’ Fund Safety 



Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has reassured the banking public of the safety of their deposits and the banking system’s resilience.
CBN’s Acting Director of  Corporate Communications Department, Mrs Hakama Sidi-Ali, gave the assurance in a statement on  Monday in Abuja.
The statement, a response to concerns raised about the stability of some Nigerian banks in the wake of Heritage Bank Plc’s license revocation, faulted claims that the CBN was considering revoking the operating licences of Fidelity, Polaris, Wema, and Unity Banks.
It also clarified that a circular issued by the Bank on January 10, 2024, notifying the public about the dissolution of the Boards of Union, Keystone, and Polaris Banks, was currently being circulated as though it was freshly issued.
According to the Director, Heritage Bank’s case was isolated.
“Allegations of further revocation of licences prior to the completion of CBN’s recapitalisation exercise are mere fabrications aimed at creating panic within the system”, Sidi-Ali said.
She stated that bank customers, particularly those of Heritage Bank, need not worry about the safety of their deposits, adding that the Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation (NDIC) had commenced payment to the bank’s insured depositors.
The spokesperson urged members of the public to continue their regular banking activities without fear, dismissing any false reports regarding the health of specific Deposit Money Banks.
“The CBN, with its robust regulatory framework, is proactively ensuring the stability of Nigeria’s financial system, thereby guaranteeing the safety of depositors’ funds in all Nigerian financial institutions”, she said.
Sidi-Ali reiterated the assurances of the CBN Governor, Olayemi Cardoso, that the recapitalisation of banks in Nigeria was intended to bolster the banking system and safeguard the sector against risks.

She urged all stakeholders to cooperate in ensuring the success of the process, which she said would be for the overall growth of the Nigerian economy.

“Without prejudice to the ongoing recapitalisation process, I want to restate that the Nigerian banking industry remains resilient. Key financial soundness indicators remain within current regulatory thresholds.

“Customers are, therefore, encouraged to proceed with their transactions as usual, as the CBN is committed to ensuring the safety of the banking system”, she said

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NERC Approves New Tariff Hike For Port Harcourt DisCo



In spire of calls that the recently hiked “Band A” tariff be reversed, the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC) has approved a new tariff hike for the Port Harcourt Electricity Distribution Company (DisCo).
NERC permitted the PHED to raise tariffs for Band A customers categorised as Maximum Demand 2 Special (A – MD2 Special).
MD customers are customers that have a load of 45kVA and above. They also operate and maintain their dedicated transformers.
From N206 per kilowatt-hour, this category of customers within the Port Harcourt franchise will now pay N225/KWh.
In a regulatory instrument tagged June 2024 Supplementary Order to the Multi-Year Tariff Order – 2024 (“June 2024 Supplementary Order”) for Port Harcourt Electricity Distribution Plc, the NERC said the tariff approval was under the Tariff Review Application by PHED.
“Further to Section 23 of the MYTO-2024, this Supplementary Order seeks to reflect the changes in the pass-through indices outside the control of licensees including inflation rates, naira/dollar exchange rate, available generation capacity and gas price for the determination of Cost-Reflective Tariffs”, NERC stated.
The electricity regilator emphasised the basis for the review, saying the Naira to the US Dollar exchange rate of N1,469.06 per dollar has been adopted for June to December 2024. It said this has been determined by adding a 1 per cent transaction cost to the average foreign exchange rate of N1,454.52 during the period May 1 to 24, 2024 as obtained from the website of the Central Bank of Nigeria.
It also added that the Nigerian inflation rate of 33.69 per cent for April 2024 as published by the National Bureau of Statistics was applied to revise the Nigerian inflation rate projection for 2024.
“Under Section 116 of the Electricity Act and extant regulations, the commission has considered and approved for PHED, the tariffs (in Table 2) effective 1st June 2024. The approved tariffs shall remain in force subject to monthly adjustments of pass-through indices including inflation rates, naira/dollar exchange rates and gas-to-power prices.
“In line with the policy direction of the Federal Government of Nigeria on electricity subsidy, the allowed tariffs for Bands B – E customer categories shall remain frozen at the rates payable since December 2022 subject to further policy direction by the government.
“With this policy, the estimated subsidy benefit for customers under the PHED franchise in 2024 is approximately N11.49bn monthly”, the NERC stated.
In April, the NERC announced a new tariff for customers in Band A, from N68/KWh to N225/KWh.
It later reduced the tariff to N206.80/KWh based on the rebound of the naira.
Meanwhile, organised labour and manufacturers have kicked against the Band A tariff.

Nkpemenyie Mcdominic, Lagos

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AMJON Partners School To Train Journalists On Maritime Operations 



The Association of Maritime journalists of Nigeria (AMJON) has gone into a mutually beneficial collaboration with School of Eloquence to strengthen the capacity and reporting skills of Maritime journalists.
This was disclosed in a statement signed by the Chairman, AMJON Organising Committee, Mr. Segun Oladipupo and made available to our correspondent in Lagos on Monday.
According to the statement, “This year’s edition, tagged “Special Edition”, is a collaborative effort between the foremost Public Speaking training School,  School of Eloquence and AMJON”.
Oladipupo said the training is slated to hold on Friday at the School of Eloquence premises at Osborne Road, Ikoyi.
“Experts from the Nigeria Customs Service, Maritime Workers Union of Nigeria (MWUN) and School of Eloquence have been lined up to train journalists on the rudiments of their own operations”, according to the statement.
Speaking, the President of AMJON, Paul Ogbuokiri, said journalism required constant training to be in tune with evolving trends in the industry.
According to him, journalism has taken a leap from what it used to be and journalists need to equip themselves with modern journalism tools that will help them to catch up with the trends.
“We need constant training and restraining to be relevant in this age of journalism. If we fail to update ourselves, we will soon fizzle out,
“This partnership with the School of Eloquence is a right step in the right direction. It will no doubt, energise our knowledge of reportage”, he stated.
On his part, the Chairman, Organising Committee, Segun Oladipupo, said the event would afford members the opportunity to take their reporting to enviable height
He, therefore, enjoined participants to seize the opportunity to learn new trends in journalism and also learn the business side of the job.
He thanked the School of Eloquence for providing a platform for Nigerian journalists to take a flight in their daily assignment.

Nkpemenyie Mcdominic, Lagos

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